Holiday Homes
More practical, more privacy, more freedom
It's easy and affordable to book on Our site offers the best solution for your needs, and the lowest prices, because we don't charge you commission on bookings.
The coast, the mountains, the hills. You can stay in holiday homes wherever you want, for an unforgettable vacation with all your home comforts.
Staying in a holiday home is a more personal experience than other types of hospitality: you have all the freedom you want for your vacation, without worrying about set times and, above all, with lots of privacy.

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The most interesting destinations

Apulia, Basilicata
Lombardy, Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige

Cities not to miss


Holiday Houses near special places (POI)

HOLIDAY HOUSES - The many faces of Italian hospitality: Holiday Houses, Villas, Apartments and Residences for Rent. In Italy, choosing a family-run accommodation allows you to discover the most genuine type of hospitality at the best prices all year round.